
Un pequeño resumen del MUNAL de la Ciudad de México.
Nadir Olza
Mind Map by Nadir Olza, updated more than 1 year ago
Nadir Olza
Created by Nadir Olza over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Have you ever visited this ENORMOUS museum?
    1. Yeah, really big.
      1. 3500 m^2
      2. No
        1. Yes
          1. Well, you should visit this amazing place soon.
            1. Why?
              1. The temporal exhibitions
                1. Like: "Dr Atl (fuego tierra y viento)"
                  1. with 130 pieces about...
                    1. Volcanic violente
                      1. Valleys
                        1. Snow falls
                          1. Wonderful landcapes
                          2. With art, documentary work, photos about Dr. Atl and his reseach, books, and more
                        2. The permanent collection
                          1. 3 large periods
                            1. Assimilation of the West (1550 - 1821)
                              1. Nation building (1821 - 1910)
                                1. Plastic strategies for a new nation (1910 - 1912)
                      2. Location
                        1. Tacuba 8, Centro histórico, Ciudad de México, CP 06010
                        2. Also has
                          1. Dance exhibitions, Concert Program (weekends and other days), Documentary film (nowadays about Dr. Atl), Sotre of souvenirs, Cloakroom, Library
                          2. Sheudle
                            1. Tuesday - Sunday
                              1. 10:00 a.m to 5:30 p.m.
                                1. Closed: January 1st & December 25th
                                2. Costs
                                  1. $70 general admission
                                    1. $5 photo permit
                                      1. $30 video permit
                                        1. FREE if you are under 13 years, national student or teacher, disability one
                                        2. APA Info from:
                                          1. (12:57, 6/09/2019)
                                            1. Muñoz, C. (1998). El MUNAL viene a encontrArte: Aportación de la Comunicación Gráfica en un programa de difusión para el Museo Nacional De Arte. Tesis de Licenciatura. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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