Software Engineering - Requirements Engineering


Requirements Engineering
Mind Map by thomaswesterman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by thomaswesterman about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Software Engineering - Requirements Engineering
  1. Definition of Requirements
    1. Descriptons of service and constraints of a system
      1. ranges from high level to detaiiled
    2. Definition of requirements engineering (services and constraints)
      1. identifyinng
        1. analysing
          1. documenting
            1. checking
            2. where do requirements come from
              1. customers stated needs
                1. other stakeholders needs
                  1. implied needs
                    1. application domain
                      1. legal or other regulations
                        1. The client is not king
                          1. must identify real needs
                            1. duty to society- legal
                          2. User Requirements
                            1. statements in natural language
                              1. diagrams of services provided
                                1. operational restraints
                                2. Readers
                                  1. client managers
                                    1. system end users
                                      1. client engineers
                                        1. contractor managers
                                          1. system architects
                                        2. System Requirements
                                          1. structured document
                                            1. detailed descriptions
                                              1. functions
                                                1. services
                                                  1. operational constraints
                                                2. part of contract between client and contractor
                                                  1. readers
                                                    1. system end users
                                                      1. client engineers
                                                        1. system architects
                                                          1. software developers
                                                        2. Functional , non Functional and domain Requirements
                                                          1. Functional requirements
                                                            1. statements of services provided
                                                              1. how system reacts to inputs
                                                                1. system behaviour in certain situations
                                                                2. non functional requirements
                                                                  1. system as a whole
                                                                    1. constraints
                                                                      1. timing
                                                                        1. development process
                                                                          1. standards
                                                                      2. Domain requirements
                                                                        1. regulation
                                                                          1. legislation
                                                                            1. legal
                                                                            2. Realism,Testability, traceabiility
                                                                              1. Realistic requirements
                                                                                1. budget and time
                                                                                2. Testable Requirements
                                                                                  1. contains testable descriptions
                                                                                  2. untestable requirments
                                                                                    1. language to abstract
                                                                                    2. Traceability
                                                                                      1. record rationale for requirement
                                                                                        1. source
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