SAB4#38 Collect requirements


Mind Map on SAB4#38 Collect requirements, created by Victor Gaytán on 03/02/2015.
Victor Gaytán
Mind Map by Victor Gaytán, updated more than 1 year ago
Victor Gaytán
Created by Victor Gaytán over 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB4#38 Collect requirements
  1. Scope Management Plan (help to defined requirements)
    1. Requirements Management Plan (Which methods use collect requirements)
      1. Stakeholders Management Plan (Commitment and comunication)
        1. Project Charter (Objectives)
          1. Stakeholder register
            1. Requeriments documents
              1. Requerimients traceability matrix
                1. Process Group: Planning
                  1. Knowledge area: Scope
                    1. identifies and manages requirements to achieve objectives
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