Writing Process


mapa mental
Emi Salazar
Mind Map by Emi Salazar, updated more than 1 year ago
Emi Salazar
Created by Emi Salazar almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Writing Process
  1. Editing
    1. Improve a draft by correcting errors and making words and sentences clearer, more precise, and as effective as possible: Have I used complete your sentences? ; Have I marked corrections that I need? and Has someone checked my work?
    2. Prewriting
      1. Plan your writing: What do I want to say? ; How do I want to say it? ; Who will read my writing? ; What else do I need to know to begin? and Who can I talk to about my ideas?
      2. Drafting
        1. Organize your thoughts by writing sentences and paragraphs using your prewriting: Are my thoughts organized? ; Which ideas do I want to develop? ; In what order do I want to say them? and Who can read this and offer suggestions?
        2. Publising
          1. You should read it out loud in class, post it on a bulleting board and make it into a book for keeping in the school library. The presentation of the work should be attractive and enjoyable for audience, you can include titles, sub-titles and pictures.
          2. Revising
            1. Literally means to “see again,” to look at something from a fresh, critical perspective: Are my details claear? ; Should I add o take our parts? ; Is my writing in a sensible order? and What suggestions have others made?
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