2. Peripheral Vision is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See


Mind Map on 2. Peripheral Vision is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See, created by Antionette Bright on 20/01/2020.
Antionette Bright
Mind Map by Antionette Bright, updated more than 1 year ago
Antionette Bright
Created by Antionette Bright over 4 years ago

Resource summary

2. Peripheral Vision is Used More Than Central Vision to Get the Gist of What You See
  1. The Visual Field
    1. Peripheral Vision
      1. The type of vision that is used to encompass the entire visual field. This type of vision is best for understanding the scene we're looking at.
      2. Central Vision
        1. The type of vision that is used to directly look ahead. This type of vision is best for looking at single objects.
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