Company Rule (1773-1858)


Various Acts Passed during Crown Rule
Sarath Ramakrishnan S
Mind Map by Sarath Ramakrishnan S, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarath Ramakrishnan S
Created by Sarath Ramakrishnan S almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Company Rule (1773-1858)
  1. Regulating Act 1773
    1. 1st Step Towards Controlling EIC
      1. Political and Adminstrative Functions of Company recognised
        1. Foundation of Central Administration Laid Down in India
      2. Governor of Bengal became Governor General of BEngal
        1. Lord Warren Hastings
          1. Executive Council - 4 members
          2. Governors of Bombay and Madras subordinate to Bengal
            1. Supreme Court at Calcutta - 1 Chief and 3 Other - 1774
              1. No bribe / No engagement in Private Trade with Indians
                1. Court of Directors to report on revenue, civil and military affairs in INdia
                  1. British Government's control over company increased.
        2. Pitt's India Act 1784
          1. To rectify 1773, 1781 Amendment was passed = Act of Settlement
            1. Commercial and Political Function of Company distinguishes
              1. Double Trouble = Court of Directors - Commercial Affairs; Board of Control - Political
                1. Board of Control = Supervise and Direct all operations of civil and military government or revenues of British possessions in India
                  1. FOR THE FIRST TIME Company's territories called British Possession
                    1. British Government Given Supreme Control
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