Secret Societies


Inglés 2 Mind Map on Secret Societies, created by ortizjp2003 on 20/09/2013.
Mind Map by ortizjp2003, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ortizjp2003 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Secret Societies


  • Organizations that requires their all their members to kept their objectives and rituals in secret. 
  1. Famous Societies


    • These societies are often related with goverments and influential people and entepreneurs. Also some people think they rule the world secretly, and have participated in huge desaster like september 11.
    1. Bilderberg Group


      • Its name comes from the Hotel in Holland in  which the first reunion was held. The members are the wealthiest people on earth. The members are selected by an exclusive invitation. Conspiracy Theorists blame these group for todays economical crisis. 
      1. Skull and Bones


        • Its a secret society founded in Yale university.  Many important people have been part of these society, for example george bush father and son, as well as Jhon Kerry. 
        1. Free Masons


          • The most famous society, thanks to the books of Dan Brown.  Their principal objective is to look for the absolute truth. Its believed this society controls the entire United States, its goverment, and  its economy. Its symbol is the compass and the set-square. The capital G stands for Great Architect.
          1. Templars


            • They were a religious order back in the  eleventh century. They purpose was to provide protection for the pilgrims who travel to Jerusalem. During their battles they gathered a lot of wealth, like gold, jewelery: Its believed the also posed the Arc of the covenant, the Holy Grial and the longinous spear. These congregation is suposed to be the first secret society ever.
            1. The Illuminati


              • The illuminati are very similar to de masons. They opose completely to religious believes as well as any superstition. It was founded in 1776. Its suposed to be disappeared now. They are also associated with compiracy theories, specially the new world order an the pyramid of power. Its symbols is the owl and the almighty eye that can be found in US one dollar bill 
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