

Mind Map on Prepositions, created by Lama Majid on 14/04/2020.
Lama Majid
Mind Map by Lama Majid, updated more than 1 year ago
Lama Majid
Created by Lama Majid over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Preposition are words used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence
    1. Why they are important?
      1. They provide important information on location, descriptions of people and things, relationships, time, and ideas.
        1. Kinds of prepositions
          1. Simple Preposition
            1. In
              1. The ball is in the box
              2. On
                1. The ball is on the ball
                2. Under
                  1. Tha ball is under the box
                  2. Above
                    1. The ball is above the box
                    2. Between
                      1. The ball is between the boxes
                      2. Behind
                        1. The ball is behind the box
                        2. Near
                          1. The ball in near the box
                          2. Below
                            1. The ball in below the box
                            2. Among
                              1. The ball is among the boxes
                              2. At
                                1. The ball is at the door
                              3. Double
                                1. Next to
                                  1. The ball in next to the box
                                  2. In fron of
                                    1. The ball is in front of the box
                                    2. Far from
                                      1. The ball is far from the box
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