AS Media Studies: Film Distribution


Mind Map on AS Media Studies: Film Distribution, created by Jasmine Ali on 14/03/2015.
Jasmine Ali
Mind Map by Jasmine Ali, updated more than 1 year ago
Jasmine Ali
Created by Jasmine Ali over 9 years ago

Resource summary

AS Media Studies: Film Distribution
  1. Defining "Film Distribution"
    1. Film Distribution is the process of making a film more available for viewing by an audience. This is normally the job of a film distributor; the person who would finalise the marketing strategy for the film and the types of media in which a film is to be exhibited.
      1. A film may be shown in other forms of exhibition, apart from being viewed in the cinema. Ways in which a film can be viewed nowadays is directly to the public either through: - Cinema - Sky Plus - TV - YouTube - LoveFilms - Game Consoles - DVD - Netflix - Illegal Download/Streaming - Mobile Phones (iTunes), otherwise known as technological convergence - CPV For commercial projects, film distribution is usually accompanied by film promotion, such as synergy. (A good example of this is the synergy used with Skyfall, 2012, and Adele's song 'Skyfall')
    2. Distributors' role
      1. However, distribution involves everything that happens between production and exhibition. It involves all of the deals done to get films showed and promoted. The distribution company is in charge of getting the film out to the intended audiences. This involves organising for the film to receive an age certificate by regulation bodies, such as BBFC and MPAA, arranging exhibition outlets globally and DVD/TV rights; arrange prints of the film, and publicly marketing for promotion. There are 5 main distributors: - United International Pictures - Warner Brothers - Buena Vista - 20th Century Fox - Sony In fact, 9 out of 10 UK films are from these distributors, and in most cases, distributors are linked to the Hollywood production companies who make the films!
      2. Defining Vertical and Horizontal Integration
        1. Vertical Integration: The combination in one firm of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate firms.
          1. Horizontal Integration: A strategy where a company creates production units for outputs which are alike - either complementary or competitive. One example would be when a company acquires competitors in the same industry doing the same stage of production for the creation of a monopoly (the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a service).
          2. Film distribution is not a helpful stage in the life of a film whereby distributors treat all films equally and ensure fair play in getting films to the public's attention. The key players, the big companies who control much of the industry, control not only the distribution of their own products, but others too.
            1. Effectively, films are loaned out to cinemas for a limited time period and released deals are done to secure access to a certain number of screenings. In the UK film market, an increase in the quantity of screens showing films has not led to an increase in the number of films shown.
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