
Mind Map on RESOURCES A, created by Dikra Kader on 27/05/2020.
Dikra Kader
Mind Map by Dikra Kader, updated more than 1 year ago
Dikra Kader
Created by Dikra Kader almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. These are the tools use at schools to enforce the concepts taught and to help students achieve the educational aims proposed.
    1. Also should be useful for helping learners transform content into knowledge and should also respond to the aims, contents and activities selected for each unit or didactic sequence.
    2. Some Previous Considerations
      1. Language and culture
        1. Acquisition vs Learning
          1. Children's motivation. Teacher as a motivator
            1. Communicative games.
            2. Resources
              1. FlashCards
                1. Is a card containing a small amount of information, held up for pupils to see, as an aid to learning.
                2. Songs
                  1. Tradicional Songs
                    1. Didactic Songs
                    2. Rymes
                      1. Tongue-Twisters
                        1. Counting Rymes
                          1. Action Rymes
                            1. Poems
                            2. Storytelling
                              1. Games
                                1. Puppets
                                  1. Text books and online resources
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