Social Networks.


Mind Map on Social Networks., created by Pablo Jose Cardenas on 03/06/2020.
Pablo Jose Cardenas
Mind Map by Pablo Jose Cardenas, updated more than 1 year ago
Pablo Jose Cardenas
Created by Pablo Jose Cardenas over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Social Networks.
    1. Long Passwords
      1. Dont share it
      2. Accounts
        1. Close unused accounts
        2. Social Sharing.
          1. If you put photos on social networks see all the information they have.
          2. Use passcodes.
            1. If you lost your phone.
              1. For your security
            2. If you use wifi you can have acces to them.
              1. Privacity
                1. Take care from hackers
                2. Instagram
                  1. WhatsApp
                    1. Twitter
                    2. Facebook
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