Nazi Germany 1933-39


Mind map on Nazi Germany up to the Second World War.
Mind Map by c7jeremy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by c7jeremy almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nazi Germany 1933-39
  1. The Youth
    1. Youth Organisations
      1. Hitler Youth
        1. Compulsory after 1939
          1. Von Schirach
            1. Physical and military activities
              1. Parades in uniform
              2. League of German Maidens
                1. Domestic activities
                  1. Summer camps
                2. Schools
                  1. Teachers
                    1. Jewish teachers were sacked
                      1. 97% retrained under National Socialist Teachers League
                      2. Teaching
                        1. Emphasis on PE
                          1. Race Studies
                            1. Nationalistic History
                            2. Elite Schools
                          2. The Church
                            1. Concordat 20 July 1933
                              1. German Faith Movement
                                1. Pagan-esque
                                2. Combating the Church
                                  1. 1939 Church schools were banned
                                    1. Bishop Muller and the German Christians
                                      1. Bishop Galen Boenhoffer Niemoller
                                    2. Traditional Values
                                      1. Volksgemeinschaft
                                        1. Loyalty to Germany and Hitler
                                        2. Women
                                          1. Motherhood
                                            1. 3K
                                              1. Incentives
                                                1. 1000RM loan
                                                  1. Mother's Cross
                                                  2. 15% women sacked from highly-skilled jobs
                                                2. Undesirables
                                                  1. Jews
                                                    1. Gypsies
                                                      1. Homosexuals
                                                      2. Dictatorship
                                                        1. Democracy is weak and un-German
                                                          1. Stab-in-the-back
                                                      3. Dictatorship and Police State
                                                        1. Reichstag Fire Decree
                                                          1. Nullified civil liberties of the German people
                                                          2. SA
                                                            1. Founded 1919 Enlarged 1925 Purge 1934
                                                            2. SS
                                                              1. Founded 1925
                                                                1. Crushed the SA in Night of the Long Knives
                                                                  1. Death's Head
                                                                  2. Gestapo
                                                                    1. Heydrich
                                                                      1. Dealt with 'opposition' in the public
                                                                    2. Economy
                                                                      1. Autarky
                                                                        1. Self-sufficiency
                                                                          1. Oil from coal
                                                                            1. 4 Year Plan
                                                                            2. Workers
                                                                              1. Strength Through Joy
                                                                                1. Cinema tickets and trips
                                                                                  1. VW Beetle
                                                                                  2. Trade Unions replaced by DAF
                                                                                  3. Farmers
                                                                                    1. Reich Food Estate
                                                                                      1. Richard Darre
                                                                                      2. Reich Entailed Farm Law
                                                                                        1. Blood and Soil
                                                                                        2. Big Businesses
                                                                                          1. No trade unions
                                                                                            1. Government contracts
                                                                                          2. Militarism and Nationalism
                                                                                            1. Lebensraum
                                                                                              1. Land in the East
                                                                                              2. Rearmament
                                                                                                1. AGNA
                                                                                                  1. Conscription
                                                                                                    1. Hossbach Memorandum
                                                                                                    2. Uniting German-speaking peoples
                                                                                                      1. Anschluss 1938
                                                                                                        1. Sudetenland 1938
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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