

Mind Map by Graham345, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Graham345 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Urban land use
    1. CBD
      1. Largest offices and shops
        1. High land values, rents and rates (tall buildings)
          1. Most accessible location- roads lead to CBD
            1. Main place of work- leads to traffic congestion
            2. Inner city
              1. Old high-density terraced houses.
                1. Old (sometimes abandoned) factories and warehouses
                  1. Areas of derelict land
                    1. High rise flats
                      1. Pockets of smart new development
                        1. Roads in grid-iron pattern
                        2. Suburbs
                          1. Irregular road pattern
                            1. Modern detached/semi-detached housing
                              1. Houses have driveways, garages and gardens
                                1. More space
                                2. Rural-urban fringe
                                  1. Lots of space
                                    1. Bigger houses
                                      1. No main roads
                                        1. Surrounded by fields
                                          1. Small in size
                                        2. Housing
                                            1. Uk housing problems
                                              1. Ageing population
                                                1. Not enough homes being built to match population
                                                  1. Social changes- people living alone and couples divorcing
                                                  2. Brownfield and greenfield sites
                                                    1. Government policy is now to use browned sites
                                                      1. Saves the countryside
                                                      2. Brownfield site
                                                        1. Land that has previously been built on
                                                          1. Old factories and warehouses
                                                        2. Greenfield site
                                                          1. Land that hasn't been built on before
                                                            1. fields in the countryside
                                                      3. Stockton
                                                        1. Inner city (TDC)
                                                          1. Projects
                                                            1. Teesside park
                                                              1. Out of town shopping centre
                                                              2. Tees barrage
                                                                1. Teesdale
                                                                  1. £500 million
                                                                    1. Heavy engineering
                                                                    2. Riverside staduim
                                                                      1. Housing
                                                                        1. 1300 housing units built
                                                                      2. 1:8 ratio
                                                                        1. government spending: private investment
                                                                        2. Used government money
                                                                          1. Make derelict land attractive to investors
                                                                            1. Bring wealth and jobs to the area
                                                                          2. CBD
                                                                            1. Problems
                                                                              1. Congestion along A66 narrow inner city roads
                                                                                1. Competition from teesside park
                                                                                  1. Prone to vandalism
                                                                                    1. Pollution and litter along high street
                                                                                      1. Town centre taken over by charity shops
                                                                                        1. don't pay business rates
                                                                                      2. Solutions
                                                                                        1. Bus lanes along mandale triangle
                                                                                          1. wellington square
                                                                                            1. £43 million
                                                                                              1. Big brands
                                                                                                1. Bring shoppers into stockton
                                                                                                2. More litter bins
                                                                                                  1. CCTV
                                                                                                    1. Regeneration
                                                                                                      1. £20 milllion
                                                                                                        1. 5 year
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