This approach focuses on
literature and
philosophy that had
been produced in this
This approach was for
the students to come
away from the study
ofa foreing language
being be able to read
the target language.
The audiolingual approach
With the outbreak of World War II,
armies needed to become orally
proficient in the language of their
allies and enemies as quickly as
This teaching technique
was initially called the
Army Method, and was
the first to be based on
linguistic theory and
behavioral psycology.
The oral-sitiational approach
The approach advocated
organizing structures
around sitiations that
provide the learner with
maximum opportunity to
practice the target
This approach focuses on
choral repetition, or
reading of text and
memorization of dialoges.
New Approaches
The cognotive approach
by Noam Chomsky
This approach is the study of mental
processes like critical thinking, problem
solving and, of cuourse, language. Noam
Chomshy thought that the study of
language acquisition had important
contributions to make the study of
The effective humanistic approach
It emphasizes on the sotial climate
in the classroom, and the
development of positive
relationships between the teaher
and the learners and among the
learners themselves
The comprehension-base
by Stephen Krashen
It is based on the research and writings.
krashen asserted that students learn
language through comprehensible input,
and that teaching should focus on helping
students comprehend language.
The communicative
approach by Dell
This approach is about the ability
to communicate efectively and
appropiately. It does not matter if
the gramatical and pronunciation
aspect is good.
Grammar translation
method (GTM)
This method is about grammar rules. The
GMT is also know as the death method.
The learning of an L2 is merely seen as a
mental prosses rather than
Communicative process.
The audio-lingual method
This method focuses on the
development of listening and speaking
over the other language skills. Most of
the instruction takes place in the
classroom by asking students to
listening and repeat.
This method is conected with the humanistic approach in the sentence thatlearning was seen as a the result of phycological, and effective therapeutic relationship
Communicative language
method ( CLT)
It is base on the idea that learning
successfully comes as a resultof
authentic exposure to communication
in real scenarios
Community language learning (CLL)
In this method, the lesson looks more like
theraphy than a class . Students will have
a very specific rules as clients and the
teacher will act as conselor.
The Natural approach method
It is a language teaching method It is language
learning is a reproduction of the way humans naturally
acquire their native language. Students learn the second
language as they learn their L1
(Content Language Integrate Language)
it is a innovative teaching method that
allows instructors to teach content and
language simultaneously , saving time
and creating a more
naturalisticenviroment for language
It is the theory leading to the way
people learn. Assumptions (theory)
that how people learn the
Technques will be a single activity that
the teacher develops inside a classroom
or autside the classroom. Specific
activities manifested in the classroom
that are consistent with a method and
therefore in harmony with an approach.
an overal plan for systematic
presentation of language based
upon a selected approah. It is
the process that planing.