What is spanglish? Is the combination betwen English


Mind Map by diego.mazariego2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by diego.mazariego2 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

What is spanglish? Is the combination betwen English
  1. Introduction: Spanglish is a beautifull movie, it is about a woman that has Economical problems and she is looking for a job in order to slove them, she will learn about take decisions and always choose the correct way.
    1. Characters: Flor Moreno, Jonh Clasky, Debora Clasky, Bernice, Georgie and Cristina
      1. Shelter, Mess, Chronically, Fetch, Raving, Asshole, Wharehouse, Fulness, Daring, smooth, Settle, thrilled, Deep,, Impolite, Vise, Port, Nuts, Odd
        1. 1) When Cristina wrote a essay about her mother was awesome because she shows that she really admire her, and she is a good example to follow for her. 2) When Flor kissed Jonh at the restaurant she decided to leave because she knew thart it wasn´t correct. 3) When Flor decided to leave the Clasky´s house because she recognize that she was loosing her Daugther, it was a hard decision and she did it well. 4) At the end of the movie Cristina understood that her mother was doing the best for bought and she forgave her.
          1. Bunch, Scholarship, Risk, Release, Fed, Hang out, Urge, Converge, Judging, Interfered, Hose, Pace, Flunk, Spark, Sanity, Grunt, Earn, Cheer up, Try.
            1. Conclusion: This is a beautiful movie, it teach us about decisions, the movie show us that we have to recognize that we don´t have to forget who we are, and where we come from
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