Consumer Health Education


Roi Eldrick Villanueva MAPEH 10 - ACACIA Ms. Patricia Ann Empleo
Roi Eldrick Villanueva
Mind Map by Roi Eldrick Villanueva, updated more than 1 year ago
Roi Eldrick Villanueva
Created by Roi Eldrick Villanueva over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Consumer Health Education
  1. Consumer
    1. Spend Thrift
      1. Close-Fisted
        1. Wasteful
          1. Bargain Addict
            1. Intelligent
              1. Panic Buyer
                1. Impulsive Buyer
                2. Components of Consumer Health
                  1. Health Information
                    1. Media
                      1. People
                        1. Professionals
                          1. Agencies
                          2. Health Services
                            1. Heath Care
                              1. Cure/treat disorder
                                1. Screening and Examinaiton
                                  1. Prevent/Control Diseases
                                    1. Provide safety, emergency/ first aid
                                      1. Follow-up treatment
                                      2. Health Care Providers
                                        1. Professionals (Licensed)
                                          1. Physicians
                                            1. Nurses
                                              1. Midwife
                                                1. Technologist
                                                  1. Therapist
                                                    1. Social Workers
                                                      1. Pharmacists
                                                        1. Heath Care Workers
                                                          1. Dentist
                                                            1. Dietician
                                                              1. Psychiatrist
                                                              2. Faciltites
                                                                1. Hospitals
                                                                  1. Clinics
                                                                    1. Community Centers
                                                                    2. Insurance
                                                                      1. Private
                                                                        1. Government
                                                                    3. Health Products
                                                                      1. Materials
                                                                        1. Food
                                                                          1. Substances
                                                                            1. Equipment
                                                                          2. Criteria for Selecting Products & Services
                                                                            1. Safety
                                                                              1. Environmental Impact
                                                                                1. Quality
                                                                                  1. Price
                                                                                  2. Criteria for Selection of Health Information
                                                                                    1. Credibility
                                                                                      1. Design
                                                                                        1. Content
                                                                                          1. Disclosure
                                                                                            1. Links
                                                                                              1. Interactivity
                                                                                              2. Source
                                                                                                1. Reliable
                                                                                                  1. Unreliable
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