Tom's family


Tom's family, family members
Elke P
Mind Map by Elke P, updated more than 1 year ago
Elke P
Created by Elke P over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Tom's family
  1. Tom
    1. Sue (Tom's sister)
      1. Mike (Tom's brother-in -law)
        1. Kelly (Tom's niece)
          1. Ryan (Tom's nephew)
        2. Mike (Tom's brother)
          1. Lucy (Tom's mother)
            1. Fred (Tom's father)
              1. Ted (Tom's grandfather)
                1. Anne (Tom's grandmother)
                  1. Mary (Tom's aunt)
                    1. Roger (Tom's uncle)
                      1. Cindy (Tom's cousin)
                        1. Paul (Tom's cousin)
                      2. Luke (Tom's uncle)
                      3. Steve (Tom's great-grandfather)
                        1. Luisa (Tom's great-grandmother)
                          1. Donald (Tom's great uncle)
                            1. Mandy (Tom's great aunt)
                      4. Brian (Tom's stepfather)
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