

Digital Graphic Organizer - approaches and methodologies
Katie Ly
Mind Map by Katie Ly, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Ly
Created by Katie Ly over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Grammatical
    1. About: It is mostly teacher-centered. There is an emphasis on the rules as well as the structure of the new language.
      1. Methods:
        1. Audiolingual (Historical)
          1. About: The grammar structures are sequenced. The native language is not used a lot. This method emphasizes error correction, drills, repetition, and practice.
            1. Application: The teacher will give the students a chart with the grammatical rules. The teacher will have the students complete grammar drill worksheets.
          2. Grammar-Translation (Historical)
            1. About: There is an emphasis on the development of writing, reading, and grammar. There is not as much emphasis on oral language development. The grammatical rules are taught completely.
              1. Application: The teacher will have the students write in their journals. The teacher will explicitly teach the student the rules so then they can use it in their journals.
      2. Communicative
        1. About: Student-centered, communication is important, and meaningful acquisition of knowledge is important.
          1. Methods:
            1. Sheltered instruction
              1. About: The curriculum is grade-level modified. The instructions are scaffolded. It may include visuals, cooperative learning, and guarded vocabulary.
                1. Application: Throughout the lesson the teacher will incorporate visuals and a guarded vocabulary chart for the learners to refer to.
              2. Natural Way (Historical)
                1. About: It stresses the comprehensible input. There is minimal error production and it is accepting of the students' native language. It does not have to be content-based.
                  1. Application: The teacher will honor the learner's native language by allowing the learner to write in their native language. The teacher will provide feedback, but minial explicit correcton.
          2. Cognitive
            1. About: It is learner-centered. It focuses on the explicit teaching of learning strategies in communicative ways.
              1. Method:
                1. CALLA
                  1. About: The language instructions are more developmentally appropriate for the learners. The focus is intentional on CALP development. It uses explicit instruction in the learning strategies: Metacognitive, Cognitive, and Social.
                    1. Application: The teacher will give the students explicit instructions and help the learners develop in their L1 and L2. The teacher will focus on the learner's day to day language.
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