The Body's Response to Stress AO1


Description of both sympathomeduallary system and pituitary-adrenal system.
Mind Map by megs.harvey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by megs.harvey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Body's Response to Stress AO1
  1. The Sympathomedullary Pathway
    1. 4. PNS restores the body to resting state after the stressor has passed.
      1. PNS = slows down heartbeat and reduces blood pressure.
      2. 1. SNS prepares body for action in times of acute stress.
        1. The 'fight or flight' response = rapid action when an animal is under threat.
        2. 2. Causes changes i.e increase in heart rate + blood pressure.
          1. SNS also leads to metabolic changes i.e mobilisation of fat and glucose in the bloodstream.
          2. 3. Causes adrenal medulla to release adrenaline into the bloodstream.
            1. Adrenaline = boosts oxygen + glucose supply to brain and suppresses non-emergency bodily processes.
          3. The Pituitary-Adrenal System
            1. 1. Activated under conditions of ongoing stress.
              1. 2. Activates HYPOTHALAMUS = releases CRF into bloodstream.
                1. Hypothalamus is activated when stressors are perceived by higher brain centres.
                2. 3. CRF causes PITUITARY GLAND to release ACTH which is transported to the ADRENAL CORTEX.
                  1. ACTH = adrenacorticotrophic hormone transported via bloodstream.
                  2. 4. Activation of ARENAL CORTEX = release of hormone CORTISOL.
                    1. Prolonged release of ACTH = adrenal cortex increases in size to cope with increased cortisol production.
                    2. 5. CORTISOL has positive and negative effects throughout the body.
                      1. Positive effects of cortisol = lower sensitivity to pain.
                        1. Negative effects of cortisol = lower immune response.
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