Saturn book cover book cover


my names Jeff
Sayem Hussain Y13B1
Mind Map by Sayem Hussain Y13B1, updated more than 1 year ago
Sayem Hussain Y13B1
Created by Sayem Hussain Y13B1 over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Saturn book cover book cover
  1. front cover
    1. i am going to add the main image
      1. Saturn will be the main image
      2. title
        1. it will say Saturn Explorer
      3. back cover
        1. i am going to write a summary about the book
          1. the summary is about Saturn
          2. i will add more images as the background
            1. it will involve more images about Saturn
          3. spine
            1. the height is 8.5 inches
              1. the width is 1 inch
                1. that's because the spine is required to be thin
                2. the title of the book will be there
                  1. it will say Saturn Explorer
                  2. the main image will be there
                    1. saturn
                  3. cover size
                    1. the width is 12 inches
                      1. the height is 8.5 inches
                        1. i want the width to be higher that the height
                        2. the front and back cover needs to be the same size
                        3. text
                          1. color will be white
                            1. it will be the case for everywhere
                              1. because the background will be black so i need the writing to be visible
                            2. im going to use a font called Arial
                              1. this will be the case for everywhere
                            3. background
                              1. the background will be a picture of space
                                1. the main image will be there
                                  1. it will be of Saturn
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