Key Ideas World Religions


Study Review
Mind Map by L S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by L S over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Key Ideas World Religions
  1. Life of Moses
    1. Moses is sent down a river and found by the Pharaoh meaning he is now a prince
      1. Moses sees an Egyptian beating up a Hebrew and kills him. To escape death penalty he flees to Midian
        1. God visits him in a Burning bush and tells him he needs to save his people (hebrews)
          1. God unleashes the ten plagues on the Egyptians
            1. The Hebrews escape through the red sea as Moses parts the waves to let them cross. Egyptians drown
    2. Judaism Key Beliefs
      1. One God, One people, One land, One Law
        1. One god- loyalty to Jevoah, covanent
          1. One peple- jewish people are gods chosen
            1. One law- The torah
              1. One land- Israel
            2. Passover
              1. Commemorates the freedom from Egyptian slavery, 2 Seder meals, god passed over Jewish houses when killing first-borns, No chametz (grainb)
              2. Rosh Hashannah
                1. Jewish New year, apples, honey and shofar, praying/reflection/forgiveness
                2. Yom kippur
                  1. Holiest day of the year, day of prayer, 26h fast
                  2. Anti-Semitism & Zionism
                    1. Discrimination against Jews
                      1. Movement to create a place for Jews later to support Israel
                      2. Advent
                        1. 4 weeks long, Christmas wreaths with candles, advent calendar, awaiting the Messiah
                        2. Lent
                          1. Jesus being tempted in the dessert, 40 day long, giving up something you love
                            1. Shrove Tuesday (Pancakes), Ash Wednesday (cross on forehead)
                            2. Christmas
                              1. Celebration of Jesus's birth, 12 days long, Midnight mass and pageant
                              2. Holy week
                                1. Jesus's last week
                                  1. Maundy Thursday- Jesus's last supper, washing feet and stripping altar
                                    1. Good Friday- Jesus's death on the cross, stations of the cross
                                    2. Easter
                                      1. Jesus's resurrection, lighting of paschal candle, dawn service, flowering of the cross
                                      2. Shahadah
                                        1. Declaration of Faith " There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger
                                        2. Ramadan
                                          1. No eating , drinking, fighting, swearing, smoking, waste of time or music
                                            1. Pray, study Islam, Recite the Quran, do lots of Dhikr, make Duaa, give into charity
                                            2. Salat
                                              1. 5 daily prayers: Fair, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. Pray facing mecca, must wash prior to prayer, adhan- call to prayer
                                              2. Zakat
                                                1. Giving t o charity, 2.5% of your income, thanking God, everything belongs to Allah
                                                2. Sawm
                                                  1. Ramadan Fasting ends with Eid, Angel Gabriel revealed verses of the Quran
                                                  2. Hajj
                                                    1. Mecca pilgrimage, takes place once a year, goes around the Kaaba
                                                    2. Life of Muhammad
                                                      1. Muhammad becomes an orphan, placed with his paternal grandfather
                                                        1. Muhammad acts as a Caravan agent for a wealthy tradeswoman, Khajida
                                                          1. She proposes they have six children, but 2 die in infancy
                                                            1. Muhammad retreats t a mountain cave, he fasts and meditates and has a vision
                                                              1. He revealed these messages and Mecca's tribal felt attacked so they attempt t o assainate him
                                                                1. He escaped t Yathrib (city of the prophet) and built the muslim community. He marched to mecca and convinced the other meccans to join him
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