Need for expansion to cargo port to
maintain business and stay
competitive with European cargo ports
In 2004, CPRE Hampshire successfully campaigned to stop
a container port from being built along nearly two
kilometres of unspoilt coastline. Plans to build a new
superport were rejected by the Government in April 2005.
Economic Support
National need for
more container
handling capacity
Increase in jobs in the area
Increases efficiency
More money
brought into the
local area
Associated British Ports
Southampton City Council
Confederation of British Industry
General Workers’ Union
Environmental objections
Threat to designated
environmental areas
Risk of oil spills
Loss of habitat
Visual impact on
the landscape
Council for National Parks
English Nature
Dredging would be necessary to
accommodate the super-contained
ships – more environmental damage
Local players
Hampshire County Council
Local Parish Councils
Local residents
New Forest District Council
The surf reef
“The reef will give Boscombe beach its own identity,
raise the profile of Boscombe and attract a large
number of visitors on an annual basis.”
Bournemouth Borough Council, July 2006
Bournemouth Council
ASR is a global coastal and
marine consulting firm
DEFRA - Department for
Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Was it a success?
Reef Declared Officially
open, 19 November 2009
On the 31 March 2011 the reef
was closed due to safety reasons
Reef re-branded as Coastal Activity Park
concentrating on Diving, Snorkeling, Wind &
Kite Surfing as well as on shore sports.
Nearly 2m of coast lost per year
During the winter of 2006, 5
meters lost in some areas
Fastest eroding
coast in Europe
Stretches between
Flamborough head
and Spurn head
Why is it eroding so quickly?
Atlantic currents
going into the North
Sea add energy to
the waves resulting
in powerful
destructive waves
Low pressure weather systems often
resulting in strong winds and storms,
causes weathering on the cliffs
Small enclosed seas like the North sea
result in waves losing very little power
during storms before they reach land, most
powerful destructive waves
The sea around
Holderness is very deep
meaning the waves dont
lose very much energy on
the seabed before hitting
the cliffs like shallower
cliffsides would.
Hard engineering
Wood groynes at Hornsea
Prevent loss of sediment by long shore drift,
Maintains the beach
Waves have to travel further
before reaching the settlement
However this is cutting off sediment flow to the
village of Mappleton just south of Hornsea
By the 1990s nearlly 4m of cliff lost per year
"Terminal Groyne Syndrome"
Rock groynes at Mappleton
Built by Humberside council in 1991, costing £2 million
Prevents long shore drift
Is starving the village of Cowden
Revetments at Easington
Work by absorbing the wave energy
Very expensive but also long lasting
Curved Sea wall at Withernsea
Dissipate the wave energy
resulting in less erosion to the sea
wall itself extending its lifetime
Extremely expensive due to its shape.
Soft engineering
Beach Nourishment at Hornsea
Pump sediment from offshore onto the beach
Create a wider beach
Protect the coast line
Add sediment for the benefit for those down drift
However a single storm can result in huge
amounts of sediment loss thus the beach needs
to be replenished every few years
Coastal Zoning
Some areas where the cost of protecting the coast
outweighs the benefits are zoned off, all planning
permission is denied and the area is left to erode
Managed retreat
This is where the coastline is gradually lost resulting in the
settlements "rolling back". This is where residents closest tot he
coast can apply for planning permission to move their house or
caravan further inland where they are not at risk from erosion
The East Yorkshire Council is encouraging people
to move to bigger towns such as Hornsea and
Easington where defences already exist
Integrated coastal management
Sections of the coast are
managed as a whole rather than
by individual town or village
This is done because only protecting one area of the coast will in turn
have an affect on another area of the coast. However by considering a
section of the coast as whole we can eliminate this. Sediment moves along
the coast in sediment cells and each cell moves between physical barriers
such as headlands or a river estuary. The Holderness coast is part of a cell
which extends from Flamborough head to The Wash.
Local council
Councils along the
integrated coastline
Local residents
Abbots Hall farm
On the Essex coast sea level is rising by
around 6mm per year due to the combined
effects of global warming and the settling of
the land mass in the south-east.
The seawalls surrounding most of the Essex
coast today were constructed more than 300
years ago to reclaim land from the sea.
The coastal realignment project at Abbotts Hall Farm
was designed to recreate lost habitats by allowing salt
water back on to the land reclaimed originally.
Two new counter walls were constructed at either
end of the site to protect neighbouring land.
This has allowed the creation of 200 acres of
mudflat, salt marsh and coastal grassland.
The seawall was breached in five places
in October 2002 and very quickly salt
marsh plants moved in.
Managed retreat is used to great effect, with certain areas left
to nature in order to release pressure on sea walls further
down coast which protect more valuable land.
The main location of this is around 20 miles
south of Colchester, an area of high social
value due to the large population.