

instrumento, entrevista
Carlos Quiroz
Mind Map by Carlos Quiroz, updated more than 1 year ago
Carlos Quiroz
Created by Carlos Quiroz about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. An interview is known as the conversation between two or more people who are in the role of interviewer and interviewee, in order for the former to obtain information about a particular matter from the latter.
    1. Interview types; Closed interview. Stress interview , Open interview, Interview by competencies, Structured interview, Group interview
      1. Steps for conducting interviews; Plan and preparation, Beginning and explanation, Story, End, Evaluate.
        1. An interview is used to obtain some type of specific information through a process of participation and conversation between two or more people. The interview is an instrument that has become popular and whose use has become widespread in different trades and professional practices due to its genuine and personal nature.
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