Companies host their own data centers, which means they must pay operation costs
and provision for their worst-case scenario, leading to over-provisioning
The Present
Infrastructure is provided as a service (IaaS) by cloud providers
like AWS, GCP, or Azure
Pay as you go
Scale as necessary
New IT Resources on Demand
Benefit from Economies of Scale
Result: Deploy globally quickly and focus on what differentiates your application
Cloud Economics: Business
Cost Benefits
Compare cost of traditional IT setup to AWS
Identify end-to-end costs
Typically 20-40% less
Best Practices
Ensure releavnt shareholders are present
Use realistic estimates for usage
Assign cost / value to business value factors like agility, risk, automation
Apples to apples comparison. AWS Is more than just discounts
Forget operational costs like power, administration, rent, software, hardware
Lower costs with AWS
Consumption model: only pay for what you need
Average payback time of 6 months
AWS Flywheel
Return on Investment
Customers want to retire hardware that is fully deprecated.
Cost ( and effort ) of migration requires analysis