

a summery of determiners
Exequiel Alejand
Mind Map by Exequiel Alejand, updated more than 1 year ago
Exequiel Alejand
Created by Exequiel Alejand over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. are words that precede nouns and they modify words that determine the kind of reference a noun or a noun group has.
    1. They are:
      1. Articles
        1. Define: THE
          1. Indefinite: A/AN
          2. Demostratives
            1. Singular: THIS Plural: THESE
              1. We use them when we are talking about things close to the speaker
              2. Singular:THAT Plural:THOSE
                1. We use them when we are talking about things far to the speaker
              3. Quantifiers
                1. Words: BOTH,MOST,SEVERAL and NUMBERS(one,two,etc)
                  1. Phrases: A LITTLE, A FEW and A LOT
                  2. Possessive
                    1. MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR and THEIR
                      1. We use them to express a personal connection to things or a person, a feeling or thought, a family member or friend or parts of the body
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