Data collection and analysis


Apps de las TICS Mind Map on Data collection and analysis, created by Violeta Gómez Warletta on 14/01/2021.
Violeta Gómez Warletta
Mind Map by Violeta Gómez Warletta, updated more than 1 year ago
Violeta Gómez Warletta
Created by Violeta Gómez Warletta about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Data collection and analysis
  1. QUANTITATIVE research
    1. Collecting data
      1. Close-ended questionnaires
        1. Corpora
          1. WordSmith Tool, AntCord14F, Wordcruncher15F
        2. Analyzing data
          1. Spreadsheets
            1. Excel
            2. Statistics suits
              1. SPSS
                1. PSPP
                  1. R
              2. QUALITATIVE research
                1. Collecting data
                  1. Questionnaires
                    1. Google Forms, Microsoft Forms
                    2. Observation notes
                      1. Evernotes, Google Keep, OneNote
                      2. Interviews
                        1. To record
                          1. Audacity, Adobe Audition, Praat, Skype for business, Teams
                          2. To transcribe
                            1. Transana, Microsoft Teams
                        2. Analyzing data
                          1. QACDAS
                            1. NVivo, Atlas.ti, Digital Replay System, QDA Miner
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