

Mind map on pastry for section A of AQA GCSE food tech exam 2015
Holly Bamford
Mind Map by Holly Bamford, updated more than 1 year ago
Holly Bamford
Created by Holly Bamford over 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Types of pastry
    1. Flaky
      1. 3/4 fat to flour
        1. 200g flour 75g butter 75g lard
        2. Rub all fat in and then fold
        3. Shortcrust
          1. Half fat to flour
            1. 200g flour 50g butter 50g lard
            2. Rub all fat-don't fold
            3. Rough Puff
              1. 3/4 fat to flour
                1. 200g flour 75g butter 75g lard
                2. Rub half fat in then put rest between layers
              2. Key stuff
                1. Rubbing in
                  1. Gluten
                    1. 200*C
                      1. Shortening
                      2. Ingredients
                        1. Flour
                          1. Gluten
                            1. Bulk
                            2. Fat
                              1. Butter
                                1. Colour and flavour
                                  1. Saturated fat
                                  2. Lard
                                    1. Shortening
                                      1. Unsaturated fat
                                      2. Coats flour
                                        1. Prevents contact with water
                                          1. Creates crumbly texture
                                      3. Water
                                        1. Activates gluten
                                          1. Binds
                                          2. Lemon juice
                                            1. Helps gluten
                                            2. Sugar
                                              1. Sweetener for sweet pastry
                                            3. Finishing techniques
                                              1. glazes
                                                1. appricot
                                                  1. egg
                                                    1. arrowroot
                                                    2. Lattice
                                                      1. Crimped edges
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