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The Fall of The House of Usher
10th grade English Mind Map on The Fall of The House of Usher, created by Vincent Zhou on 02/02/2021.
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the fall of the house of usher
english 10
10th grade
Mind Map by
Vincent Zhou
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Vincent Zhou
about 4 years ago
Resource summary
The Fall of The House of Usher
The speaker talks about the melancholy House of Usher
The speaker further describes the House of Usher that make the setting have a chilling sad atmosphere
The speaker decides to stay in the gloomy mansion
Roderick Usher is a owner of this mansion
Usher had sent a letter to the speaker and asked him to come see him because he was ill
The speaker complied with the letter
The Usher family had little variation and had one line of descent
This leads the speaker to believe that this is the reason behind his illness
The speaker says that he starts learning parts of Roderick's mental state at intervals
Inside the mansion the speaker finds it creepy
Roderick's senses are heightened and seems scared of his own home
Roderick's sister is sick from an unknown disease and has lost control of a limb
Roderick's sister Madeline dies from the sickness and he keeps her body so the doctors wouldn't experiment with her
One night the Roderick goes to stay with the speaker
They see some mist that Roderick explains isn't very uncommon
Roderick and the speaker hears strange noises and Roderick believe them to be Madeline coming out of her grave
Roderick is killed and the speaker flees
The Usher Family has also never been a family that has fluorished
deserted of people and in a state of bleak and dismal emptiness.
charmless and inhospitable; dreary
A temporary stay
the owner of a business, or a holder of property
The state or process of falling into decay or being in disrepair.
A form of horror theater
So intense as to seem almost tangible
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