The Montagu Decleration


Mind Map on The Montagu Decleration, created by ben hambidge on 18/10/2013.
ben hambidge
Mind Map by ben hambidge, updated more than 1 year ago
ben hambidge
Created by ben hambidge over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Montagu Decleration
  1. by 1917, it was clear to the British that postponing political concessions had no benefit.
    1. Edward Montagu who was the secretary of state for India announced a new constitutional objective in the House of Commons on 20th of August
      1. The promise of "self-governing institutions" was a clear and significant concession that an Indian parliament, controlling the Indian administration, would be created
        1. Montagu set off a massive tour of India to consult politicians and public opinion
          1. The findings were published in the 1918 Montagu-Chelmsford report which became the basis for the 1919 legislation
            1. By the times the reforms became law, events at Amritsar in the Punjab would have sealed the fate of the British Empire in India
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