Trigo formula


Mind Map on Trigo formula, created by Low Yee Shen on 08/06/2015.
Low Yee Shen
Mind Map by Low Yee Shen, updated more than 1 year ago
Low Yee Shen
Created by Low Yee Shen about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Trigo formula
  1. t = tan A/2
    1. tan A = 2t / (1-t^2)
      1. cos A = (1 - t^2) / (1 + t^2)
        1. sin A = 2t / (1 + t^2)
        2. Product formula
          1. sin A + sin B = 2 sin [(A+B) /2] cos [(A-B) /2]
            1. sin A - sin B = 2 cos [(A+B) /2] sin [(A-B) /2]
              1. cos A + cos B = 2 cos [(A+B) /2] cos [(A-B) /2]
                1. cos A - cosB = - 2 sin [(A+B) /2] sin [(A-B) /2]
                2. Equalities
                  1. sin^2 x+ cos^2 =1
                    1. 1 + tan^2 x = sec^2 x
                      1. 1+cot^2 x = csc^ x
                      2. 和角公式
                        1. sin (A+B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B
                          1. cos (A+B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B
                            1. tan (A+B) = (tan A+ tan B) / (1 - tanA tanB)
                              1. sin (A-B) = sin A cos B - cos A sin B
                                1. cos (A-B) = cos A cos B + sin A sin B
                                  1. tan (A-B) = (tan A - tan B) / (1 + tanA tanB)
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