My first source was
useful because the
instructions and results
table were clear and
easy to follow
The second source was
not useful because there
were no variables and not
enough instructions
Source 1 was the most useful
because it was easier to follow
and the instructions were more
precise and the results we
obtained would be more likely to
yield accurate results.
The resolution of the equipment was
appropriate because the resolution of
the stopwatch was 0.005 seconds
and the smallest we need is around
10 seconds. The resolution for the
metronome is 4 beats per second
and the beat we would like it to play
at constantly is around 200 beats a
Another method we could
have used is sandbags and
how many sandbags
someone could lift in one
minute and giving them
different recovery times
between each test
This method is
better if the
hypothesis was to do
with recovery time
but considering the
fact we are
measuring intensity of
exercise, the method
is not really very
The more intense the
exercise, the faster the
muscle gets fatigued
Exercising causes the muscles to
contract faster and harder and
so the muscles need more oxygen
and glucose. But because the
rate of energy needed is so high
and there's not enough oxygen .
This means the body starts
anaerobically respiring and
producing lactic acid. The build up
of which causes the muscle to be
Independent Variable
Intensity of exercise
Range: 0-5 loom bands
Interval: 1 loom band
I will use a metronome with a
resolution of 4 beats a
second to ensure that the
timing is more accurate
instead of rough estimation
as to the variation of
Dependant Variable
I will use a stopwatch with a
resolution of 0.005 seconds
to ensure that the measuring
is as accurate as possible
and so the results will be
more accurate and more
Control Variables
Same person
Same peg
Same elasticity of loom band
Same beat of the metronome
Recovery time
Preliminary testing: Recovery time
10-50 minutes
Having a big variation makes it very
clear to see exactly what is too
short, and what is too long
The final choice was 20
minutes resting time because
10 minutes was too short and
anything after 20 minutes
made no difference and there
was no difference in waiting
any period of time after 20