This Approach to an argument was invented by a very famous philosopher named Aristotle. The best time to use this type of argument would be
during a persuasive type of argument. You want the audience to agree with your type of persuasive argument.
The Classical Approah is built up heavily on The Three Appeals; Logos, Pathos and Ethos
Organized to get your audience to agree, make a desicion
based on your view, or take your side of the argument.
Rely's heavily on Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
Introduction: Captures Attention of audience
Statement of Fact: Clarrify your issue by using lots of background evidence and facts
Proposition: State your central thesis using supportive points to back up your claim
Refutation:: Take a look at the oppositions argument. Point out the faults throughout their argument and use it to support your claim
Substantiation and Proof:Develope your own case using ethos, pathos and logos. Example will be needed.
Conclusion: Summarize by foreshadowing onto your paragraphs and re explain your claim/thesis
The Toulmin's Approach
Created by an English philosopher, and logoician.
Identified the elements of a persuasive argument; claims, grounds, Warrants,
Backing, Qualifier, & Rebutal
Claim: A statement that you as the author use to convince the reader to accept.
Grounds: Basis of the persuasion throughout the essay. This is what the claim is based on.
Warrant: Connects the data and other grounds to a claim. May be simple, or complicated. Mainly used/based on ethos, pathos, and logos
Backing:Gives support to the warrant by answering multiple questions
Rebuttal An argument in itself.
The Rogerian Approach
Named after the Psychologist Carl Rogers. He believed that people could only win or have a good argument if they had "Common Ground." The
Common Ground starts with and Introduction, then a Neutral and kind statement of the opponents position, next is an analysis, and then a proposal.
Introduction: Briefly Defines the issue or problem
Neutral or Non Judgmental State of the opponents Position: Demonstrates that the writer clearly understands it while using it in context
Neutral Statement and Explanation: Position and the contexts of which it is valid
Analysis: Of what the two positions have in common and what common grounds they both share
A Proposal: A conclusion that is made that benifits both parties