Barriers To Accessing Services


A-Levels Health and Social Care (Unit 9 Accessing Services) Mind Map on Barriers To Accessing Services, created by niamhmccullough1 on 25/10/2013.
Mind Map by niamhmccullough1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by niamhmccullough1 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Barriers To Accessing Services
  1. Lack of Knowledge
    1. People Cannot access services because they don't know it exsists
      1. Advertising services in suitible places
        1. Services for children advertised between breaks in tv programmes
      2. Financial Constraints
        1. Cannot access the service because they don't know it exsists
          1. Services at a reduced cost for free
          2. Geographical Location
            1. People cannot access a service because it is very far away and transport may be a problem.
              1. Provision of transport (where possible). Outreach services, homes visits, action cancer bus, blood transfusion bus, accomodation, websites and 24hr helplines
              2. Physical Barriers
                1. People cannot access services because of steps, stairs etc
                  1. Ramps, handles, wide doors, push button entrances, disabled parking spaces
                  2. Pshycological Barriers
                    1. Embarrassment, Fear, Shame
                      1. Staff who are trained in dealing with anxious patients, private areas for discussion, bringing a friend, removal of uniforms, emotional support
                      2. Language
                        1. Not being able to speak the regional language
                          1. Translator, interpretors, have information in different languages, gestures
                          2. Communication Barriers
                            1. Unable to speak see or hear service users. With learning disability unable to understand. Pain anxiety dementia
                              1. Pen and paper/sign language, picture cards, braille, advocates, simple language, do not belittle, staff need to be paitent, glasses, hearing aids
                              2. Cultural Barriers
                                1. Religious beliefs about blood transfusions, women requesting care of a female doctor or nurse
                                  1. Make staff trained and very aware
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