Mezzogiorno - Primary Activities


Leaving Cert Geography (Regional Geography) Mind Map on Mezzogiorno - Primary Activities, created by Tom Cahill on 29/10/2013.
Tom Cahill
Mind Map by Tom Cahill, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Cahill
Created by Tom Cahill almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mezzogiorno - Primary Activities
  1. Farming
    1. 20% work in farming
      1. Climate
        1. Sirocco
          1. Spring - damages buds and foliage
          2. Rainfall
            1. Drought in summer
              1. Drought-resistant crops
              2. East gets 900mm
                1. irrigation used
                  1. citrus/grapes
                    1. Sicily prodices 2/3 of Italy's citrus fruits
                    2. expensive to install
                2. Relief
                  1. 85% mountaineous
                    1. poor grass growht
                      1. Mainly goat and sheep farmers
                      2. prevents the use are large machinery
                      3. Soils
                        1. thin and infertile
                          1. farming mainly on naturally fertile ground
                            1. Volcanic Soils
                              1. Alluvial Soils
                                1. eliminates cost of buying expensive fertilisers
                            2. growing tourist market has led to a demand for fresh produce
                            3. Fishing
                              1. high coastal population
                                1. Mediterranean not rich in fish
                                  1. tuna, sardines
                                    1. pollution limits growth of plankton
                                    2. west- most towns have fishing ports
                                      1. Salerno
                                      2. EU Quotas pose problems
                                        1. limited the development if the industry
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