The Tangled Web


A guide to securing modern web applications
Ron Kuper
Mind Map by Ron Kuper, updated more than 1 year ago
Ron Kuper
Created by Ron Kuper about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Tangled Web
  1. Security in the World of Web Applications
    1. History of the Web
      1. GML
        1. IBM's Generalized Markup Language
          1. "this is a header", "this is a list"
          2. SGML
            1. Standard Generalized Markup Language
              1. HTML
                1. Focused on simplicity
                  1. Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly
                    1. HyperText Markup Language
                      1. HTTP
                        1. HyperText Transfer Protocol
                          1. Dedicated scheme for accessing HTML resources using TCP/IP, DNS and file pathes concepts
                            1. Tim's WWW Project


                              • World Wide Web
                              1. 1991-1993
                                1. A browser that parsed HTML and allowed navigation from one page to another
                                  1. Tim Berners-Lee
                                    1. Mosaic Web Browser
                                      1. Netscape Navigator
                                        1. Spyglass Mosaic
                                          1. Microsoft Internet Explorer
                                2. 1960's
                                3. Microsoft XMLHttpRequest
                                  1. Web 2.0
                                  2. W3C - WWW Consortium
                                  3. Risk Management
                                    1. CWE
                                      1. Homeland Security
                                        1. Common Weakness Enumeration
                                          1. "Provide a common language"
                                          2. CVSS
                                            1. Common Vulnerability Scoring System
                                              1. method to quantify and score a vulnerability based on risk
                                            2. probability * maximum loss = risk
                                          3. Anatomy of the Web
                                            1. URLs
                                              1. HTTP
                                                1. HTML
                                                  1. CSS
                                                    1. Browser Scripts
                                                      1. Doc Types
                                                        1. Plug-ins
                                                        2. Browser Security
                                                          1. Content Isolation
                                                            1. Origin Inheritance
                                                              1. Outside Same-Origin
                                                                1. Other Boundaries
                                                                  1. Content Recognition
                                                                    1. Rouge Scripts
                                                                      1. Site Privileges
                                                                      2. Future
                                                                        1. New Security Features
                                                                          1. Other Browser Mechanisms
                                                                            1. Common Web Vulnerabilities
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