This is one of the biggest problem happening in the world right
now. Hundreds of people die every day because of hunger.
HUNGER...the biggest problem in South Asia. I can go forever with this as I love
writing reports and things on hunger in this world but I will try to just summarize it in
a few lines. We can either blame the government and the offices or we can either
blame ourselves. We are the ones who waste food and the reason behind that is
we do not have lack of money or resources so that is why we waste it. Remember
"Money belongs to you but the resources belong to the society". Will you be happy
if because of you wasting food 100's die everyday or because of you inflation rate
increases and the poor can't afford it at all.
Poverty means to be extremely poor and living
and in very bad conditions. Not being able to
afford for education or health supplements is
the sign of poverty.
About 21,000 people die every year of poverty. They suffer from
MALNUTRITION: Lack of nutrition. They do not have enough money to
even buy normal food, nutritious food is secondary. Mostly which die
are children sadly.
Examples of RICH COUNTRIES would be
countries like Qatar, Luxembourg, Singapore,
In these countries the average wealth of a person is over $100000 a year. These
countries are growing very fast. The main reason why these countries prosper is that
there is almost no corruption in these countries which is more than important. An
example would be in these countries for jobs and things people are interviewed on the
basis of their knowledge. Anti-Religion is also a reason for the development of these
countries (no offense).
Examples of POOR COUNTRIES would be
countries like Zimbabwe, Burundi, Niger,
In these countries the average wealth of a person is $1000 a year or $3 a day. These countries are
growing very very slow, if Zimbabwe continues it's growth it will be declared as the richest country after
2722 years! The main reason why these countries stagnate is corruption. These countries are full
of corruption which is stagnating these countries. This is really very important. They not have
enough resources to invest in Police, Education, Health and Transport. An example of corruption
in these countries would be choosing your relatives or the people you know instead of the ones
who deserve it. Being religious is declining the thought of the people of improving as they are
thinking live with what you have and hope for the best in your next live (no offense).
World Trade
The world trade is a trade which is happening between countries to help
each other and also to earn money. It is a trading system between
countries which sell their goods to another country. For example China can
manufacture goods easily because the labour charge is very cheap and sell
it to other countries whereas Nepal is very good in making handicrafts so
they can sell their handicrafts to other countries.
This trade is unfair in terms of world development to poor
countries as they earn very less profit but they can sell cheaper
things which is good for the people, whereas in this trade rich
countries can benefit more as they have more money to invest in
new things and make them quicker, which will help the country
develop even more.
Population Growth
Population growth is an increase of
the individuals in a population on a
population growth rate (%). The
population growth rate is the rate at
which number of individuals increase in
a period of time.
Population growth can probably affect the country in a negative way from the perspective of
development. This is because if their are more people in the society then it's takes more resources and
money to feed them. It will also eventually need more land space to build more houses as the number of
people have increased. The farmland will then be therefore used as land to build houses on which will affect
the food growth and agriculture in the country.