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types of non verbal communication and the way they are used to help us communicate
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non- verbal
health and social
unit 1
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
tone of voice
When someone is talking to you you can tell how they are feeling through the tone of their voice.
If someone is yelling it suggest they are angry, however if someone has a soft voice it suggest that they are calm
For example if to people are in an argument they would be yelling at eachother
eye contact
eye contact shows that when someone is talking you are listening or how interested you are in the conversation.
For example if someone was looking down at their phone while you were talking to them that would show that they weren't listening and were being rude
however if someone was looking at you, leaning forward and making eye contact it would show they are listening and are interested in whats going on
body language
the way you sit or stand can send different messages
if you have you arms crossed it gives the impression that you or bored or you have a barrier up
if you are leaning forward while in conversation it shows that you are listening.
touching another person can send messages of care, affection, power over them or sexual intrest
if someone is upset you may hug them to comfort them this is an example of touch
facial expression
our facial expression indicates our emotional state.
if someone is sad they may be looking down and have tension in their face
if someone is happy they with have wide eyes and a smile on their face
they are hand and arm movements that can help us understand what a person is saying.
For example if someone puts their thumb up that can mean good
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