The Qualities Of Sound


Mind Map on The Qualities Of Sound, created by cjones.45 on 04/11/2013.
Mind Map by cjones.45, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cjones.45 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Qualities Of Sound
  1. Duration
    1. The length of a sound
      1. it depends on how long we allow the object producing the sound to vibrate
      2. How long or short the sound is
      3. Tone colour
        1. The quality of a sound, or the distinct sound made by an instrument or voice
          1. The unique sound or tone
        2. Pitch
          1. The highness or lowness of a sound
            1. The faster the vibrations, the more high-pitched the sound
              1. The slower the vibrations, the more low pitched the sound
          2. Dynamics/ Volume
            1. The loudness or softness of a sound
              1. The volume depends on the size of the vibrations, which depends on the force we use to set up the vibrations.
            2. Structure
              1. The sections in the music
              2. Texture
                1. The layers of sound
                  1. There are thick and thin textures
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