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Authentic Assessment
Authentic Assessment: description, examples, purposes
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emergent bilingual students
elementary education
authentic assessment
active engagement
problem solving
Mind Map by
Lindsey Burroughs
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lindsey Burroughs
over 3 years ago
Resource summary
Authentic Assessment
Criteria of Good Performance
To avoid inconsistencies while assessing students, teachers should identify criteria for good performance ahead of time
Scoring rubrics and checklists can help document EB performance and growth over a period of time to help inform future instruction
Can also compare assessment rubrics over an extended period of time
Model Good/Bad Performance
Students will need to see the task rubric ahead of time
There is not one correct performance or product to copy
Teachers should know what good/bad performance looks like in order to develop the skills necessary perform well on the task
Application of Knowledge
Students are asked to apply their knowledge in a way that allows them to create new meaning in the learning process
Students are assessed as they apply their understanding of the material within a real-world, authentic context
Students can apply their learning to practical, real-world scenarios, example: Students retell a story through a role play activity
Video about the benefits of allowing students to showcase their knowledge through real-world scenarios
Multiple Paths for Demonstration
Students are assessed through different measures to show understanding
Offers students choice in how they are assessed
Does not limit the languge that EB students can use, since they have a choice in assessment!
Students can show learning through: posters, presentations, videos, websites, etc..
Direct Evidence
Successful application of knowledge provides direct evidence of understanding
Examples: asking a student to provide a critique, execute a task, verbally describe a concept or idea
Data obtained not does require inference making to determine content comprehension as is required with traditional assessments
Vehicle for Student Learning
Students must be given the opportunity to engage in the construction of meaning
The real-world problems that students complete require students to learn as they develop solutions
The solutions that students develop become an assessment to showcase their understanding
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Authentic Assessment: Examples & Overview (Embed)
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