Barrera hematoencefálica


Composition of the Blood Brain Barrier
Salvador Valenci
Mind Map by Salvador Valenci, updated more than 1 year ago
Salvador Valenci
Created by Salvador Valenci about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Barrera hematoencefálica
  1. Endothelial cells
    1. no fenestrations
      1. Extensive Tight junctions
        1. Claudin
          1. Occludin
            1. Junctional Adhesion molecules
              1. JAM1
                1. JAM2
                  1. JAM3
                  2. Cytoplasmic accessory proteins
                    1. ZO1
                      1. ZO2
                        1. ZO3
                      2. Sparse pinocytic vesicular transport
                        1. Adherens Junctions
                          1. Cadhein-Catenin Complex
                        2. Astrocyte end-feet
                          1. Induction of BBB characteristics in endo- thelial cells
                          2. Pericytes
                            1. structural support and vasodynamic capacity to microvasculature
                              1. key role in the structural stability of the vessel wall
                              2. Capillar Basement membrane
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