Hitler & Stalin: How Similar?


A level, IGCSE Year 9 History Mind Map on Hitler & Stalin: How Similar?, created by Simon Hinds on 07/11/2013.
Simon Hinds
Mind Map by Simon Hinds, updated more than 1 year ago
Simon Hinds
Created by Simon Hinds almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hitler & Stalin: How Similar?
  1. Early Life
    1. Illegal Activity?
      1. Hitler: Munich Putsch
        1. Stalin: robbed banks
        2. Family Relationships
          1. bad relationships: father
          2. Affiliation
            1. Stalin: Communist
              1. Hitler: Nazi (fascist)
              2. Leadership qualities
                1. Hitler
                  1. charismatic
                    1. good public speaker
                      1. lazy
                      2. Stalin
                        1. dull
                          1. clever polititian
                            1. hard working
                            2. ruthless
                              1. devious
                            3. RISE TO POWER
                              1. Stalin
                                1. Not liked by Lenin
                                  1. alliances
                                    1. tricked Trotsky
                                    2. Hitler
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