Base-reducing word formations


Mind Map on Base-reducing word formations, created by Christian Jiménez on 09/10/2021.
Christian Jiménez
Mind Map by Christian Jiménez, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian Jiménez
Created by Christian Jiménez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Base-reducing word formations
  1. Abbreviation
    1. Is used to denote both the rule-free process of transforming long words into (goups of) letter and outcome of this process
      1. Shortening
        1. Reduction to initials
          1. acronomy
            1. backronymy
              1. alphanumeries
            2. Clipping
              1. Used for another word formation based on the harmless shortening of an existing word, which enitials no change of meaning
                1. apharesis
                  1. syncope
                    1. apocope
                      1. double clipping
                    2. Back-formation
                      1. Denotes both, the lexical formations and its result and this practicehas been in use ever since
                        1. versus back-clipping
                      2. Lexical elipsis
                        1. The omission of an element of language for reassons associated with speech, theoric, grammar and punctutation
                          1. the first element in a system
                            1. the second element in a system
                          2. Contraction
                            1. The English term "contraction" means the process of "drawing together" and its lexical result
                              1. In Lexicology to refer to those reductions which are often marked by an apostrophe
                              2. Ellison
                                1. It occurs in leximats and linguistic studies to denote "the omission or slurring (elding) of one or more vowels, consonants or syllabes
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