CH 8: Photosynthesis


Biology Mind Map on CH 8: Photosynthesis, created by dumb himbo on 11/10/2021.
dumb himbo
Mind Map by dumb himbo, updated more than 1 year ago
dumb himbo
Created by dumb himbo over 3 years ago

Resource summary

CH 8: Photosynthesis
  1. Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
    1. does not produce oxygen
      1. 4 different bacterial groups: purple, green sulfur, green nonsulfur, and heliobacteria
        1. releases sulfur
        2. Oxygenic Photosynthesis
          1. does produce oxygen
            1. in cyanobacteria, 7 groups of algae, ALL land plants
            2. photosynthesis takes place in leaves
              1. cells of plant leaves have chloroplasts
                1. CHLOROPLASTS
                  1. GRANA: stacks of flattened sacs of thylakoid membrane
                    1. THYLAKOID MEMBRANE: internal membrane
                      1. contains chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments
                        1. pigments clustered into photosystems
                          1. PIGMENTS
                            1. molecules that absorb light energy in visible range
                              1. PHOTON: particle of light; discrete bundle of energy
                                1. PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT: removal of an electron from a molecule by light
                                  1. 2 types in green plant photosynthesis
                                    1. CHLOROPHYLLS
                                      1. CHLOROPHYLL a
                                        1. main pigment
                                          1. directly converts light energy to chemical energy
                                            1. absorbs violet-blue and red light
                                            2. CHLOROPHYLL b
                                              1. accessory pigment
                                                1. absorbs light wavelengths that chlorophyll a does not absorb
                                                2. CHLOROPHYLL STRUCTURE
                                                  1. PORPHYRIN RING
                                                    1. alternating double and single bonds
                                                      1. magnesium ion center
                                                      2. photons excite electrons in ring
                                                        1. electrons shuttled away from ring
                                                      3. CAROTENOIDS
                                            3. STROMA: semiliquid surrounding thylakoid membranes
                                        2. Photosynthesis takes place in 3 stages
                                          1. LIGHT DEPENDENT REACTION
                                            1. STAGE 2: uses energy to make ATP and to reduce compound NADP+ to NADPH
                                              1. STAGE 1: captures energy from sunlight
                                                1. LIGHT-INDEPENDENT REACTION
                                                  1. STAGE 3: uses ATP and NADPH to power synthesis of organic molecules
                                                    1. CARBON FIXATION: formation of organic molecules from CO2
                                                2. TYPES OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS
                                                  1. C3
                                                    1. fix carbon using the Calvin cycle
                                                    2. C4
                                                      1. spatial (place) solution
                                                        1. fix carbon using PEP carboxylase in mesophyll cells
                                                          1. carbon dioxide is then released into bundle-sheath cells for carbon fixation by the Calvin cycle
                                                          2. to produce a single glucose requires 12 additional ATP
                                                            1. advantageous in hot dry climates, photorespiration removes more than half of carbon fixed by C3 pathway
                                                              1. corn, sugarcane, grasses, sorghum
                                                              2. CAM
                                                                1. temporal (time) solution
                                                                  1. succulents, cacti, pineapples
                                                                    1. stomata open during day, close at night
                                                                      1. when stomata closed during day, organic acids are decarboxylated to yield high levels of carbon dioxide
                                                                        1. high levels of carbon dioxide drive Calvin cycle and minimize photorespiration
                                                                      2. fix carbon dioxide using PEP carboxylase during night and store in vacuole
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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