Effective Citizens


Samuel Yeamans
Mind Map by Samuel Yeamans, updated more than 1 year ago
Samuel Yeamans
Created by Samuel Yeamans over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Effective Citizens
  1. Civics
    1. Gather evidence
      1. Identify types of governments
        1. Debate with factual evidence
          1. Contact your representitive
            1. Sign a petition
              1. Political rally
                1. Run for city council
                  1. Represent a criminal trial
                    1. Represent USA in Kenya
                      1. Police officer
                        1. Know the Bill of Rights
                        2. Geograghy
                          1. Make a map scale
                            1. understand religions
                              1. Bantu tribes
                                1. Write travel guide to Indoneisa
                                  1. Captain a ship across the Atlantic
                                    1. Make a timeline of Indus River Civilations
                                      1. Learn the favorite foods of jungle Pygmies
                                        1. Use data to predict population density for your city in 20 years
                                          1. Work in a diamond mine in Sierra Leone
                                          2. Economics
                                            1. Make a household budget
                                                1. protecting wildlife
                                                  1. Clean water projects
                                                    1. hire a distribution company move products to another state
                                                      1. decide how many goods produce this quarter
                                                        1. Design and sell auto parts
                                                          1. Make a deal with a Chinese company to trade smart watches
                                                          2. History
                                                            1. Analyze past battles
                                                              1. Events from BC
                                                                1. List effects of an invasion
                                                                  1. Teach about Ancient Egyptians
                                                                    1. Radio-carbon date the age of dinosaur bones
                                                                      1. Analyze major events of the Ming Dynasty
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