

In modern democratic societies, people, especially the bourgeoise have continued to become restless. Why is that?
Nathan Lin
Mind Map by Nathan Lin, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Lin
Created by Nathan Lin almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. External forces in society can make individuals restless
    1. Capitalistic society wants individuals to be restless to sell more
    2. Religion x belief traditions taught us to prepare for death
      1. The key is to have a relaxed attitude towards death
        1. Have a nonchalant attitude to death
          1. Learn how to live
            1. Imminent contentment
              1. Enjoy the goodness of life, as it is and don't have expectations that are too high/unrealistic
                1. Don't take things too seriously
                  1. This is key to happiness
                    1. Solves restlessness
      2. Rooted in unhappiness
        1. Why is happiness so evasive? Why are we so obsessive with happiness?
          1. "Man transcends man" - Pascal
            1. It is in human nature to be both capable of being happy and sad
              1. Human imagination drives desire, to want more
                1. Even when we are happy, or are in a good financial position, etc, we still may have hidden miseries
                  1. We cannot stop this imagination and desire, it must be channeled or pathologies will occur
                    1. So if humans desire change, constant amusement, it must indicate that we are unsettled within
                      1. Thus, sadness is okay, restlessness is okay.
        2. Man is different from other animals because of reason or imagination.
          1. Imagination fuels desire
            1. You desire what you don't have
              1. You have high expectations and hopes
                1. Sometimes this is unrealistic or difficult to achieve, which can bring unhappiness
                  1. Thus, be content with what you have
                2. E.g. Change
            2. Defined as: Being active, yet being devoid of purpose
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