Introduce el texto aquí


Mind Map on Introduce el texto aquí, created by Mau Carrillo García on 20/02/2022.
Mau Carrillo García
Mind Map by Mau Carrillo García, updated more than 1 year ago
Mau Carrillo García
Created by Mau Carrillo García over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Introduce el texto aquí
      1. Defined and measured with IQ test
        1. Gardner(1985) Multiple Intelligences
          1. Variety of learning styles
            1. Logico mathematic, linguistic, spatial, musical, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naaturalistic, spiritual.
            2. Refered as "G" factor
              1. Effects on language learning
                1. Some skills associated with SLA in the formal study of an L2 (reading, writing, language analysis and vocabulary study).
                  1. Intelligence as predictor of success of language learning in formal instruction contexts
                2. LANGUAGE APTITUDE
                  1. Important factor in SLA
                    1. known as Natural Ability
                      1. Connected with variables
                        1. age, intelligence, motivation, use of strategies, sex, personality, cognitive style.
                        2. Test to measure the abilitty
                          1. Language Project (Wells, 1981,1985) Study of children´s language development in L1
                            1. Carroll and Sapon´s ( MLAT, 1959), components in language aptitude
                              1. Phonomic or phonetics, gramatical sensitivity, inductive language learning ability, rute learning ability.
                              2. Pimsleur (LAB, 1966) consist in analytic ability and auditory
                            2. COGNITIVE STYLE
                              1. Defined to the manner in wich the learner perceives, monitors, conceptualises and recalls linguistic information.
                                1. Scholars refer to a particular duality
                                  1. Field dependence
                                    1. Personal orientation, holistic, dependent, social sensitive
                                    2. Field independence
                                      1. Inpersonal orientation, analitic, independent, not so socially aware
                                    3. Brown (1973) combination of affect and cognition
                                      1. Reflective impulsive thinking, broad narrow, interference.prone
                                      2. Learning Styles
                                        1. Cognitive, affective, phychological behaviours
                                        2. Perceptual learning tendencies
                                          1. visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic, tactile.
                                        3. LEARNING STRATEGIES
                                          1. Defined by Oxford and Crookall (1989) as:
                                            1. Steps taken by the learner to aid acquisition, storage, retrieval of information
                                              1. Direct Strategies
                                                1. Cognitive, memory, compensation.
                                                2. Indirect Strategies
                                                  1. Metacognitive, affective, social, communication.
                                              2. Rod Ellis (1997)
                                                1. Particular approaches or techniques that learners employ to try to learn a L2
                                                  1. Behavioral and mental.
                                                2. Out of class learning strategies
                                                  1. Students improve their english through: cinema, reading newspapers, interaction with foreing people, etc.
                                                  2. Features and Characteristics
                                                    1. communicative competence, self directed and autonomous, role of teachers, actions and aspects or the learner, support learning, conscious, flexible , variety of factors.
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