Tang Dynasty


Mind Map on Tang Dynasty, created by ccarselle on 18/10/2015.
Mind Map by ccarselle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ccarselle almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Tang Dynasty
  1. women had higher power
    1. foot binding was not a tradition
      1. women were not subjugated by foot binding and were viewed as more equal to men than in the Song
    2. tributary states were established
      1. Examples being Tibet, Korea, and Vietnam
        1. they had to pay tribute to the Tang emperor
      2. issued land reform
        1. this strengthened the central gov. by weakening large landowners
          1. Land reform also increased government revenues since peasants would be able to pay taxes
        2. BOTH
          1. prospered through foreign trade
            1. improved agriculture
              1. had great art and literature
                1. restored unity in China
                  1. SONG DYNASTY
                    1. Foot binding became a tradition
                      1. This subjugated women and further enforced that women should be in the home
                        1. The foot biding was extremely painful and women could not walk without help, not allowing them to leave the home
                      2. scholar gentrys
                        1. they were the wealthy landowning class
                          1. they restored Confucian thought and new schools of Confucian philosophers emphasized social order based on duty, rank, and proper behavior
                        2. Paper money
                          1. The Song were the first to use paper money
                            1. It eliminated the heavy weight for merchants to carry coins with during trade
                      3. Female empress
                        1. Only woman to rule China in her own name
                          1. Her strong rule helped guide China through on elf its most brilliant periods
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