Ottoman Empire


9th grade World History (Islamic Empires) Mind Map on Ottoman Empire, created by Isabel Pearson on 10/11/2022.
Isabel Pearson
Mind Map by Isabel Pearson, updated more than 1 year ago
Isabel Pearson
Created by Isabel Pearson over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Ottoman Empire
  1. In Anatolia
    1. Turks


      • (a tribe)
      1. Mongols conquers
        1. After they break up
          1. Ottomans reform
            1. Seize Constantinople


              • 1453 - end Byzantine Uses artillery and breaks it down
              1. Mehmed "The conqyeeror"
                1. Rebuilds as Istanbul
                  1. Trade
                    1. culture
            2. Suleyman the Magnificent (W)/Lawgiver (Inside country)
              1. Revises law code


                • Like Jahangir
                1. Conquest
                  1. "Respected by Europeans"
                    1. Only son
                      1. No succession crisis
                      2. At Zenith during reign (1566)


                        • Height of power (not territory) - zenith
                        1. to 1919
                        2. Deals with rebellions
                          1. Egypt
                            1. Anatolia


                              • At HOME  ****NOT GOOD
                            2. Wars
                              1. Portugal
                                1. Austria
                                  1. Safavides
                                    1. HUN
                                      1. Janissaries
                                        1. elite slave soldiers
                                          1. Christians
                                            1. Tribute
                                              1. In form of children


                                                • males between age of 8 and 18
                                                1. converted to Islam
                                                  1. Those who show academic skills
                                                    1. go into government
                                                    2. Those who are worthy go into army
                                                      1. spoils rewards
                                                        1. Wealth
                                                          1. Happiness
                                                            1. Power
                                                              1. win
                                                                1. land and wealth
                                                                  1. agriculture
                                                                    1. taxes
                                                2. Don't want modernization
                                            2. Succession crisis
                                              1. Suleyman
                                                1. sons
                                                  1. M


                                                    • When Suleyman gets sick He wants power so dad arrests and kills him 
                                                    1. B


                                                      • After brother dies  mad and flees then gets killed
                                                      1. Ayezid
                                                        1. Safavid
                                                      2. Selim II


                                                        • When M dies Selim II gets power
                                                        1. Lazy
                                                          1. grand vizier


                                                            • is given power
                                                            1. heads C.B.
                                                              1. Is given power
                                                            2. becomes figure head
                                                      3. Mehmed III
                                                        1. 19 brothers
                                                          1. executes them
                                                            1. Seraglio (cage)


                                                              • Cage
                                                              1. princes blood
                                                                1. put sons in harem
                                                                  1. unable to rule
                                                                    1. Mothers have power
                                                                      1. asks help from Janizaries
                                                                        1. money rewards
                                                              2. concubines/ wives


                                                                • killed through drowning
                                                                1. pregnant
                                                              3. son
                                                                1. offers to deal with issues
                                                                  1. asks for army
                                                              4. Habsburgs
                                                                1. 1526
                                                                  1. Mohacs
                                                                    1. Louis II (Hungry)
                                                                      1. sister
                                                                        1. nobles 1/2
                                                                  2. rules Austria and Spain
                                                                    1. 1/2 support Ottomans
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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