Rom and Ram oc


rom and rammmm
Oliver Cutcliffe
Mind Map by Oliver Cutcliffe, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver Cutcliffe
Created by Oliver Cutcliffe over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Rom and Ram oc
  1. Rom
    1. Rom stands for read only mermrey
      1. Rom can only be read
        1. Rom is used for storing programs while Ram is used by programs to hold temporery data
          1. rom is long term memorie
            1. passing of readly in the form of vapior
              1. The difference is they work differently
    2. Ram
      1. The data it stores can be accessed in a random manner
        1. Random accesses mermory
          1. memory which can only be accassed randomly
            1. ram is short term memorie
              1. passing of readly in the form of vapior
                1. The difference is they work differently
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