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Microwave Oven
Map of microwave notes
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microwave oven map
mind map notes
jasmine fails
Mind Map by
Jasmine Fails
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jasmine Fails
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Microwave Oven
Friction causing heat
Pass through glass, ceramic, plastic, or paper
Energy in microwave is uneven.
Rearrange food when cooking , some parts cook faster than others.
Microwaves bounce of the sides of the oven.
Travel through a wave guide; a rectangular, metal tube.
Foods can only through 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches.
The more The more food you cook, there is less energy for the food.
The larger amount of food the longer it needs to cook.
Steam can build inside confined ares and can cause food to explode.
Microwave ovens don't have a heating element
Because of this you can use paper an plastic products.
Cook food at about 25 degrees lower than you normally would with a convectional oven.
A convection oven has an extra fan for more even air flow.
Convection ovens cooked about 25% faster than cooking food in a convectional oven.
Convection ovens cook more evenly instead of hot and cool spots in a convectional microwave.
Use a more shallow pan to cook your food in for the heat to cover your food.
Ovens can operate at several different power levels.
The deeper the pan the more heat will get blocked from traveling to the food.
Foods cook quickly, and most don't have time to brown.
When using a microwave do not place metal in it or else it could spark and start a fire.
It is not quicker to cook food like rice or noodles in the microwave oven.
Always make sure that you cover your containers with plastic wrap or a paper towel.
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